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It wont end !!!!!!!

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It wont end !!!!!!! Empty It wont end !!!!!!!

Post  xGakiSan93x Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:09 am

Hi everyone..... Im really worried about the situation in which the Dubbing World is right now, so honestly we all should do something. I think UFAppocalypse wont ever end, at least it wont end for a veeeery long time, they will delete every project until they clean up the whole YouTube.... Running away from them just with making videos private is useless, how long shall we stay like that? We cant survive in such a situation..... XD
There are 2 things we can do:
1. Fight UFA !!!
But how? We have nothing to fight with against UFA, they rule there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Become friends with UFA : )
Lets just not break their copyright rules, this would be the best way to save the Dubbing World.

This is my 1st idea: After recording one dub we PVmix it and upload this mp3 AND video somewhere (Prefferebly 4shared, cause the videos can be watched there without downloading).......... Than we make a little video with the link to the video in the description. That way the videos wont be blocked and we can be saved.....
Just it would be way more troublesome, and not much people would watch them like that

My 2nd idea: Record the dub, PVmix it, upload on youtube and make it UNLISTED, than make little video with the link in the description which would take us to the unlisted video, and watch it..... I dont know if it would be safe though....

I think this is the solution, if u have some better ideas, just write here, but remember that every H!P videos will be blocked!!!! Crying or Very sad

In any case, we cant stop dubbing, we must go on, so Othello-san & Ayuna-chan, please decide what we should do!!!! HURRY UP !!!!!!


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It wont end !!!!!!! Empty Re: It wont end !!!!!!!

Post  Ayuna Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:59 am

It means a lot to us that you are showing so much concern for HEP Sakura, really, it does. Just, it can't always work this way.

UFApocolypse WILL end. Trust me, with pretty much EVERYONE (Including us, don't worry) trying different stuff to keep their channels safe, they will share that knowledge (we all have to look out for each other ;) ) and we will be able to keep going normally.
AS I SAID, we are ALL trying different things right now, even if it may not seem like it/seem like it is progressing that much. HEP is just been a bit behind with this because Othello & I have PERSONALLY been busy, and since we JUST sorta had managed to come out of a hole when this all happened, it threw us even further behind and sort of messed our plan up, so right now we are taking small steps to figure this out.

We HAVE considered some of your ideas, however, if we post links with their PVs in it, they can take that down as well. Keep in mind that UFA literally HIRES people to sit in front of a computer screen, search for their stuff through YT and if they find an ID match to one of the videos, they take it down. If they find LINKS in our descriptions, that counts also.

UNLISTED VIDEOS, as I said, they can ID match. If you are going "wha? no! they can't! its unlisted! D8", keep this in mind: How are we going to be able to share our unlisted videos to the world without posting the link somewhere on YT?
Links with UFA stuff + shared on yt = byebye account. ):

As I said up top, we really do appreciate your concern for HEP and the dubbing world, but PLEASE chill out a little bit. It isn't a big deal and we are doing everything we can to figure this out right now. ^^ as Kappa from HanaPro always says, this is UFA's JOB, and dubbing is our little hobby. They are just doing what they are supposed to be, and we ARE using THEIR stuff after all. We are a little out numbered on this ^^;;

Please just leave figuring this all out to Othello and I, okay? :)

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Join date : 2010-06-15
Age : 27
Location : Candy Mountain with Charlie.


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